Morning Star Community Services Limited

Sector: Children, Youths
Participated in the YFC programme before?: Yes
Name of Representative Khong Kiong Seng
Contact Number 96281814


Description of Organization

“The mission of Morning Star Community Services is to strengthen family relationships in Singapore through upstream and preventive work. By empowering individuals and families, the organisation strives to build vibrant communities that can make a difference to society.

Our programmes focus on children, youth and parent-child relationships as a cohesive family is the building block of a strong and harmonious Singapore. We provide upstream, preventive and early intervention programmes, family life education workshops and counselling services.”


Intended use of funds through the YFC programme

To fund our programmes: CareNights and NOVA


Engaging and involving the YFC participants

We will invite them to our centres to observe the running of our programmes and how we serve our beneficiaries