Apex Harmony Lodge

Website: https://apexharmony.org.sg
Sector: Elderly, Health, Mental Health
Participated in the YFC programme before?: Yes
Name of Representative Joel Chew
Email joel.chew@apexharmony.org.sg
Contact Number 65852265 (ext. 223)


Description of Organization

Apex Harmony Lodge (AHL) has been a community committed to empowering lives affected by dementia since 1999. We are the first and only purpose-built lodge for Persons with Dementia (PWDs). Our mission is ‘To be a living model of a home committed to lives affected by dementia’. Our vision is ‘To provide the best of care for
persons living with dementia – what is required for a person to live well’.

Anchored by our vision and mission, we strive to reframe dementia, celebrating dementia as a unique phase of life, so that PWDs can live life to their fullest. We do this through strength-based, person-centered approaches in our integrated dementia care, with the belief that each PWD is a gift to us. Beyond providing long-term residential care (LTRC) in our nursing home across the spectrum, we also provide services for clients living with dementia and their caregivers in the community.


Intended use of funds through the YFC 2023 programme

Funds raised will be used to fund therapeutic programmes for the residents and daycare elders at the Lodge. These programmes are tailored to the different profiles of persons with dementia, so they may continue to meet their aspirations physically, cognitively, socially and emotionally. Programmes may include:
– Mindfulness Intergenerational Bonding Programme
– Mindful Immersive Nature Therapy
– Therapy Through Work
– Farm-To-Table
– Crafts for Sale
– Joy-in-Dining
– Namaste Care


Engaging and involving the YFC participants

Volunteers will be invited to the Lodge to further understand the operating philosophy of Apex Harmony Lodge, as well as immerse themselves in the vibrant environment and space that persons with dementia call Home. Volunteers may also be invited to support our care staff in facilitating therapeutic programmes, as well as lend support to everyday routines for persons with dementia.