Club Rainbow (Singapore)

Sector: Children, Youths, Health
Participated in the YFC programme before?: Yes
Name of Representative Nur Hanisah
Contact Number 90616756


Description of Organization

Club Rainbow (Singapore) support and empower children with chronic illnesses and their families by providing compassionate relevant services in their journey towards an enriching life. We place strong emphasis on the development journey of our children through the various phases – Pre-schoolers (0-6 years), Primary (7-12), Secondary (13-16) and Post-Secondary (17-20). Supporting families of children with chronic and life-threatening illnesses over 30 years, we provide a holistic ecosystem through our 5 core pillars – Social Work Intervention, Therapy Intervention, Education Support, Arts Development and Vocational Development. Presently, Club Rainbow serves more than 1,200 beneficiaries and their families, a number that continues to grow steadily over the years.


Intended use of funds through the YFC programme

The funds raised will be channeled towards vocational development for the beneficiaries as part of our #LeadIndependentLives campaign.


Engaging and involving the YFC participants

All Club Rainbow (Singapore) volunteers will be equipped with a volunteering training video as part of their introduction to the different groups of beneficiaries we serve. Volunteers who wish to have a more interactive session with our beneficiaries will be further briefed before the commencement of their activities. As part of our community engagement efforts, volunteers of CRS are invited to the different opportunities presented by our programmes throughout the year. With different commitment levels required, volunteers have the autonomy to choose the programme that best fits their volunteering capacity and goals.