St. Andrew’s Nursing Home (Queenstown)

Sector: Elderly
Participated in the YFC programme before?: No
Name of Representative Joyce Low
Contact Number 6877 4685


Description of Organization

St. Andrew’s Nursing Home’s mission is to care for the sick, frail and disabled, providing holistic wellness for the body, mind and soul. We offer an integrated programme comprising nursing and psycho-social care, rehabilitation, social and spiritual care. Our core programmes include outings, games, exercises, singing, etc


Intended use of funds through the YFC programme

We could use the funds raised to organise big-scale game carnivals, outings, etc for the residents. We are also launching our MamaShop, where we would need to purchase items for redemption and have plans to set up a library for the residents.


Engaging and involving the YFC participants

We usually involve volunteers in most of our in-house activities so that they can help support our staff and engage the residents. We also organise in-house trainings to equip them with skills, e.g., befrienders training, wheelchair training. An orientation is usually conducted prior to the start so that the volunteers feel comfortable approaching our residents.