Singapore Children’s Society
Description of Organization
“Singapore Children’s Society protects and nurtures children and youth of all races and religions. In 2022, the Society reached out to 21,559 children, youth and families in need. Established in 1952, its services have evolved to meet the changing needs of children.
Today, Children’s Society operates more than 10 service centres islandwide, offering services in the four categories of: Vulnerable Children and Youth, Children and Youth Services, Family Services, and Research and Advocacy.”
Intended use of funds through the YFC programme
Funds will be channeled to all programmes and services under the care of Singapore Children’s Society
Engaging and involving the YFC participants
Generally, our volunteers have to be at least 18 years of age. However, we do have volunteering programmes that are suitable for younger volunteers. Students may want to discuss with our volunteer coordinators on these opportunities.